2017-06-28 15:58:11 UTC
I display an EMF model in a Xviewer.
The sorting by clicking on the columns header does not work correctly on several columns.
On the Quantity column it works correctly.
On the Unit Cost Column, it does not sort, and the node tree is even reduced when I click on the column header.
the getBackingData method is very simple, so I don't understand why it works for Quantity and not for Unit Cost:
if (xCol.equals(QuoteXViewerFactoryMain.Quantity_Col))
return (priceObject.getQuantity() != null ? priceObject.getQuantity() : new Double(0));
if (xCol.equals(QuoteXViewerFactoryMain.UnitCost_Col))
return (priceObject.getUnitCost() != null ?priceObject.getUnitCost() : new Double(0));
thx for any help
To participate in the discussion, go here: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=rview&frm_id=64
I display an EMF model in a Xviewer.
The sorting by clicking on the columns header does not work correctly on several columns.
On the Quantity column it works correctly.
On the Unit Cost Column, it does not sort, and the node tree is even reduced when I click on the column header.
the getBackingData method is very simple, so I don't understand why it works for Quantity and not for Unit Cost:
if (xCol.equals(QuoteXViewerFactoryMain.Quantity_Col))
return (priceObject.getQuantity() != null ? priceObject.getQuantity() : new Double(0));
if (xCol.equals(QuoteXViewerFactoryMain.UnitCost_Col))
return (priceObject.getUnitCost() != null ?priceObject.getUnitCost() : new Double(0));
thx for any help
To participate in the discussion, go here: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=rview&frm_id=64