[nebula-dev] New topic in forum Nebula, called [GanttChart] Zooming for D_Day view?, by Robert Hilbrich
2018-07-11 08:48:43 UTC
Thank you for providing the beautiful GanttChart widget, which I am using in my RCP application to display a (static) schedule of a real-time operating system (see [1]). I am using the D_DAY view, in which every time step resembles a certain "time unit" - this could be a second or a microsecond.

When you have a long running task with more than 100 time units, the scrolling becomes very clumsy. I tried to make the zooming work for the D_DAY view, but it seems like it is only working for the "regular view". See my GanttSettings here [2].

Is there any chance that the D_DAY view is already able to be zoom-ed? If not, what would be the best way to extend the zooming the current code base?

Thank you for any insights,


[1]: https://github.com/roberthilbrich/assist-public/wiki
[2]: https://github.com/RobertHilbrich/assist-public/blob/master/ch.hilbri.assist.scheduling/src/ch/hilbri/assist/scheduling/ui/multipageeditor/GanttSettings.java

To participate in the discussion, go here: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=rview&frm_id=64