2017-09-26 20:03:53 UTC
I am using ComboBoxCellEditor in a NatTable and would like to resize the dropdown list at its borders (similar to windows). I can achieve this by extending NatCombo, overriding createDropdownControl(int style) and changing the line this.dropdownShell = new Shell(getShell(), SWT.MODELESS); to this.dropdownShell = new Shell(getShell(), SWT.RESIZE);
Is it possible to do this wihtout overriding the method and copying the whole method body except that one line?
Is there a reason why the dropdownShell does not have a seperate style parameter/variable?
To participate in the discussion, go here: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=rview&frm_id=64
Is it possible to do this wihtout overriding the method and copying the whole method body except that one line?
Is there a reason why the dropdownShell does not have a seperate style parameter/variable?
To participate in the discussion, go here: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=rview&frm_id=64